Ready-to-Use Coating System

High Adhesion Coating

VIVACOAT® is a robust film coating system which shows outstanding performance in both laboratory and production equipment.
Adhesion of the film on the tablet core often is an issue. Then VIVACOAT® A is the best option as it has been formulated to solve adhesion related challenges.

VIVACOAT® A shows outstanding adhesion to tablet cores achieved by using globally accepted excipients.
Low adhesion can be the reason for the frequently observed effect of „logo bridging“.

VIVACOAT® A leads to perfect logo definition. Furthermore, the sometimes problematic edges of the tablet are well-covered.
Short process times are achieved by utilising the high solids content of VIVACOAT® A (up to 20% solids).

The unique combination of polymer and plasticizer allows the coated cores to „self polish“ in your equipment.

To get the best out of your equipment you are welcome to use our global technical support. Please refer to VIVACOAT® A - technical performance in this brochure.

Recon Level [%]

Inlet Temp [°C]

Tablet Bed Temp [°C]

Exhaust Temp. [°C]

Total Spray Rate [g/min]

Pan Speed [rpm]

Fully Perforated Pan, Batch size 800 g

15 - 18

65 - 70

34 - 40

38 - 45

3 - 4

5 - 8

Conventional Pan, Batch size 2000 - 3000 g

15 - 18


36 - 37


8 - 10

4 - 6

Semi Perforated Pan, Batch size 18 - 20 kg

15 - 18

85 - 88

36 - 40

45 - 48

55 - 60

3 - 4

Fully Perforated Pan, Batch size 18 - 20 kg

15 - 18

75 - 78

34 - 38

43 - 45

60 - 70

3 - 4

Fully Perforated Pan, Batch size 100 - 120 kg

15 - 18

65 - 68

34 - 38

40 - 42

180 - 200

2 - 3

Fully Perforated Pan, Batch size 300 - 400 kg

15 - 18

65 - 68

34 - 38

40 - 42

500 - 600

1 - 2


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